Trips [22]

Tim Parkinson
Tony Ryan & Rod Howell
Dry & some sun
Brims Pill
09:08 DB 464, Constance, and 565, Avocet left Oldbury Pill in E 3
09:44 Hill Flats E4
The wind died away to almost nothing above Sharpness and Avocet kept close to the N shore on approaching Brims so as to avoid getting swept past. As a result she spent 15 struggling against a sizeable counter eddy and only entered Brims at
10:59 in company with Constance. Sailed 15th mile up and tied up against handy bank for refreshments.
11:38 N 2 and glimmers of sun
Left Brims
12:25 Off Sharpness in nil wind after spells of rowing to maintain position in tide.
12:45 Off Ledges NW 1-2
13:07 Reached Counts by dint of rowing to avoid getting swept past
Wind picked up to E 3 and at
13:24 entered Oldbury Pill with plenty of water to pick up mooring.
At 14:00 Avocet was i/2 out of the water.